Fucking weird. Here I hope will follow a documentation of some of the weird things that have been happenning to me in this cold town in the past 7 days. Last Wednesday I went out to Our House with Nora and her roommate ricardo. He was cool, and is interested in being in my riot boy band. I think the idea might work out. So this chick approaches us, and asks for a cigarette. She’s tanya, and she’s out o work, and all upset that she has $17 dollars left to her name. So I sympathise having been in the same situation, and give her 2. since she’s bitter, frustrated and kind of punk looking, I offer her to sing some stuff that I would write for her. She doesn’t sing, but leaves me a number anyway, and an e-mail address. Later on, I’m coming back from the bathroom, and she invites me over to her table where she’s with a friend, amanda. Amanda’s frigin’ hot, but has a boyfriend, so that’s that, however tanya giving me signals, and I say what the hell. So it turns out she’s only 20, but her fake id says she’s 29. good enough. We decide to go to the rest of mod night at the common ground around midnight. The bouncers don’t buy her fake id, so we have to go to the kells, the allston meatmarket, where they get hit on extensively by just about every sad, pathetic dateless jock there. I’m ready to go, because this tanya chick is provoking all of it, but she insists that I stay. I guess I probably shouldn’t have, since this weirdness has gone on long enough, and well, this just can’t turn out to be good a few weeks down the road. We end up back at tanya and amanda’s place, and amanda decided to go to bed. Well, one thing leads to another, and tanya and I end up sleeping together. I get home at 6:30, bright and early with only an hour and a half of sleep under my belt. Work sucked that day. That afternoon I call her, and she comes back over.we have sex again. This is looking odd, and we agree to be friends with benefits, because I’m just newly digging this single thing. Yes, for once, things are looking up. So Thursday night Amy, Collins, rob, jenny, and I go to harper’s ferry to see lovewhip, something I’ve been meaning to do for a while. Well, I’m fucking tired as shit, and dancing doesn’t seem to be helping, but lovewhip is like ska, so what the hell? 1.5 hours of sleep, dancing, and here comes the beers! By 12:30 or so, buck dewey comes on, and only amy and I are left. We decide to go over to the common ground for 80’s love night. When we get there, we are greeted by eighties rockers with arm band, leather, leather, and attitude! It’s rough there that night, but amy and I are tired as shit, and still wanna have fun, so we dance it up, with more and more beer. By the time the mosh pit comes around, we decide enough! It’s 1:45 or so, and I’m pooped. I slept well. Friday night rolls around, and after some much enjoyable $6.75 pitchers of micheloeb at the sillhouette lounge with my sister and brother-in-law, I end up meeting up with tanya at her friend chris’ house. They’re all so friekin’ hip, and trendy it hurts. They’re all sitting around thinking it’s funny as shit that as trendy and art school as they are, they still love christine aguilera and britney spears. “can you believe it? Oh my god!” pl-fucking-ease! So tanya and I leave, and get back to my house for inevitable. she goes to the bathroom, and pees, THEN tells me I’m out of toilet paper, and there’s none under the sink. Shit! It’s raining, I’m drunk again, and store 24 Is open down the end of the block. So I run down there to get some more TP, calling people to tell then how I should have gotten her to use a fucking coffee filter, and be done with it. Well, score some TP, and we’re in business. After she gets back home Saturday morning, I went to natick for greg’s rainy barbecue. I meet this chick named MC and she gets all flirty for about 5 minutes, and gets me to talk about going down on girls for a few minutes, before turning totally off again. Fucking girls. What is it? Provocation, then depletion of interest. Fuck it. Then around 10 I head over to a house party on farrington in allston. It’s emily’s graduation party, and I met a bunch of really cool people there. At one point my friend jeremy say, “hey pete, when you’re done down here, come upstairs. There’s another party up there.” Oh yeah! So I go upstairs a few minutes later, and there’s jeremy with two chicks, valerie and allison. Valerie thinks she’s betty fucking page, and allison is completely wasted on oxy-contin. Allison says, “are you staying around, ‘cause the coke will be here soon.” What!? Jesus christ. I turn it down flat, and she says she’ll have sex with me if I do some coke with her. I still turn her down, and she says that she wants to meet someone to have a life, and babies with. I turn her down laughing, and she starts to try to get all serious with me, she gets real close, and says, “what will it take to get you to get high with me, while she starts kind of going for my crotch. Alright, I know I’m kind of an idiot, but please, I’m not that desparate. I turn her down again, and she starts to leave saying she wants to find someone to have life, sex, coke and babies with. Jesus I was laughing so hard. Later on I saw her all over every other guy in the party, asking them the same thing. Apparantly, (jeremy told me earlier) that she thought that she had sex with me before, and that she was convinced that I was a filmographer, but she just couldn’t remember when she had sex with me. Nice girl. Must be like a hot-dog in a bucket. the rest of the night, valerie is making eyes at me, but as soon as I saw the digital camera pictures of her blowing coke, I though, hmmm….nah. so the night ended with me on the porch, smiths on the radio, and a really cool bunch of people hanging out. Sunday was weird too. It was father’s day, and my father came down to visit us, and spent the day with us. At one point I came back home to find 16 bottles of liquor, some unopened, sitting ontop of the trash, along with about $40 worth of unopened food in a plastic bag. I was psyched! The lesbians in number 8 were moving out, and didn’t want to pack all of it, so they said, sure go ahead and take it. Yeah! Fully stocked wet bar in allston, ma.! The story continues on Tuesday night when I had nora, ricardo, collins, amanda and tanya over, and they sampled some of my sweet sweet alcohol collection. We all got trashed, had a great time, and after they all left, tanya stayed, and oh boy, bring on the dirt! She was well-nigh drunk, and I was pretty gone, so we end up screwing, after I begged for condoms from jenny. So I pull out afterwards, and crap!!!!!! No condom. Shit. I tell her to go into the bathroom, fish it out, and get in the bathtub, and wash it out. Wash all that shit out. She starts freaking out, screaming, oh crap, oh crap, I can’t get pregnant! I’m only 20! While I’m going jesus fucking hell, woman get a grip! She’s in the shower, and I’m like, wash it out! She says no, you do it. Oh fer cryin’ out crap! So I’m in the shower, digging with my fingers in her for god knows what, trying to keep my cool, drunk, worried, and alone in my apartment with this newly found-out psycho. She starts trying to make out with me while I’m fishing out the left over penis product, and goddam! I’m trying to do my job here! So later we decide to go to planned parenthood early next morning. Now I’m trying to get some sleep – it’s 3:40 in the morning, and I have to be up at 7, get to pp, then to work by 8:30. shit, now she’s all, oh my god, I’m going to be pregnant, then you have to marry me, and live with me forever! Fucking shit! How the fuck do I end up like this! I know how – I’m a fucking moron. That’s how. at this point, i'm thinking that maybe i should have treated jessie a little better. So then she starts with, do you like me? I like you a lot, and I like you more everyday. Jesus, like I need this shit now! I need fucking sleep, so I can get this chick the morning after pill, get to work, present to sales, and do my job. Well, she finally falls asleep, after this whole, ‘our first fight crap’ and the next morning, I take her to pp, (the goddam jesus – anti – abortion fuckers were there,) and she won’t get an appointment until 10. anyway, I go to work, (on the way out the jesus fuckers tried to get me to rethink tanya’s eminent abortion. I looked right one of them, and said, “get the fuck away from me, asshole!”) I’m freaking out, and later that day it turns out she’s alright. Now how the hell am I going to get out of this? I prolly won’t see her till Friday, so I’m good till then. Man, what a goddam week it’s been.


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